The full migration of donkeys have finally made it to
PartyPoker. The tournament donkeys....that is...
I'm not going to go into detail about the
Donk-itis that is happening at
PokerStars but it is in full effect. Calling Station central has now arrived at 'all' of the low buy-in (lets just call them 1.00-20.00) tournaments. I thought it was bad on
PartyPoker but I'm astonished at the bad play at
PokerStars. Don't get me wrong....I've played here and there for three years at various sites and I've had my donkey moments. Am I the only one that has noticed? I've been playing a lot on Full Tilt and the play seems a little better there. I've suffered bad beats there as well (as we know everybody has) but the level of play is or seems to be so much better in general.
One place the tournament level has actually increased is the 'blogger' tourneys. Much fun to be had at these tournaments and plenty of tough/tricky players. I am looking forward to these almost on a nightly basis now but I can't play every's just not good for your health. I like to drink some beers while playing but too many beers and lack of sleep will quickly catch up with anybody. I'm looking forward to the PLO tourney on Full Tilt this Sunday....should be fun. Is everybody printing out the same articles on PLO strategy or what? Seems to be good restroom material for work.
I feel like
I've had a cold for 3 months now. After reading
Waffles blog I realize I have the same symptoms that he has for various shit....what' up with that.....pregnant....feels like it....I never felt my whole chest hurt when I coughed...maybe its a Northeast general sickness. Then again, we're all sick for paying this much to live in Massachusetts.
Hmmmmmm what else.....I've been stressed out lately trying to re-finance my condo in North Conway (This is not due to Poker or any gambling BTW! So all you skeptics can go obsess over Baldy Spears or Anna Nicole Tits or
Barbaro the great). It's like trying to coordinate the special
Olympics or something.....not that there's anything wrong with that (for all you politically correct Nazis out there....well...then again fuck off! It's a joke...who the fuck am I kidding nobody reads this anyway...
LOL) but it's an exercise in futility. It should be complete this weekend after a month. Party Time! I'm going to
foxwoods in a couple of weeks. It will be a Thursday night in March.....I think the 15
Th. I will be haunting the 1-2
NL (now 300.00 capped buy-in) and try a few of those
ACTI STT's. I'm probably going up to play a couple of tourneys at
Rockingham park this weekend also. I have to break through the bubble on that
re buy. I'll probably contact one
blogger to meet up. Although if there's any problems with the re-finance I won't go. Speaking of
Bloggers....what' up with of my favorite
reads is in stealth mode......
WTFC? Don't forget the
WPBT on Sunday the 25