Ban online poker in Massachusetts that is! Together we can.....raise property taxes. Together we can create a nanny-state from hell now that every politician is
disgustingly liberal....or Democrat. Together we can.....create a modern socialist republic in which the middle-class is flushed out of the state of Massachusetts. This is one of a thousand proposals yet to come for you fucking idiots that voted for Devil Patrick. Not that it has had a huge effect in Oregon...but it's the principle of it all.
Damn liberals. I'm in a similar situation in Maryland with Democrats run rampant. They've now spent through a huge surplus and instead of reducing spending, they figure they should just raise taxes to compensate. Bunch of damn geniuses I tell you. Great post and I hope the liberals are happy when we are a socialist country destroyed from within.
Hey Pres. Dave,
It's scary...the old voters think they are voting in the ol' JFK democrat they keep doing so year after year. Mass. is so overwhelmingly democrat that no one can get anything done without massive corruption. Even Mitt Romney couldn't do anything as gov. because the legistlature and the house are like 95% dems. The colleges also indoctrinate every 17-21 year old......nobody cares until after college when they get into the real world around here. Then they have to leave the state because they can't afford it! I'm sick of it. I love this area so I'm stuck with it. Anyway, Gov. Deval Patrick came in with this 'Together we can!" crap and got elected by every special interest group. Now we may have a couple of casinos coming to MA. (yeah right...I'll believe that when I see the lottery is cash cow for the pols)and if they do...then viola! Internet gaming will be instantly illegal!!!!!!!!
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