Sunday : 10:30 AM....look at the clock..fall asleep again....11:00AM (no problem....I'll go over to Aria and meet up with everybody to watch the Pats. Take a shower...oh...I'm 3 hours behind ET....fuck......) By the time I got over to Aria to meet up with everybody at the sports book the 1:00 (4PM ET) games already started and I missed my opportunity for bets. That would be my mantra for the weekend..I had so much fun the night before that I stayed up until 5 or 6 or 7 AM and overslept. What can I say...I'm not a morning person. Never was...never will be...
provided a damn nice looking/tasting cake with some food and pitchers of beer (Guinness and Stella among other beers) for the WPBT Sports book gathering..whatever you want to call it.
I talked with Lightning36 for a while and he decided to get out of there and go where Lightnings go...probably Ballys...
I had a few conversations with Grange95 and Pauly : Our conv. about the point shaving scandals, the infamous Tim Donaghy and my pestering Pauly about his upcoming projects are what I come to the WPBT for....fascinating stuff...and I'm not being sarcastic. After drinking some of the pitcher beer I decided to get a bucket of beer...a mixed 6 pack of great brews. I'm a pig so I gave away 3 and drank 3 myself...I WAS THIRSTY!!
4:30...One went to the Aria bar next to the poker room and hung out with a bunch of bloggers.....
"are you going to watch the end of the half marathon? .....mob mentality rules!" -StB
"....I'm getting hungry....haven't eaten in 10 hours again....sure...let's get more beers...."-Me
an hour later we see the bloggers that are running the half marathon walking out....
"They are actually going to run 13 miles in the cold desert winds...on purpose!"-Me
"The least I can do is go to the finish line and give these guys a hand"-Me
6:30 or 7:00....At or near the finish line after going with a group of bloggers through multiple casinos on foot.
apparently PokerPeaker, BadBlood, Otis, Mattazuma, and Doc Chako were running in this....much admiration your way dudes....I can guarantee I WON'T be joining you in this race but I have nothing but the highest respect to those who train and run in this race as I can imagine it being tough running against the wind in the matter how cold it is.
A side note...due to my washing my hands at an almost left hand was cracking...the cold wind and the hand washing were quickly drying out the back of my hand. I couldn't have gotten some kind of lotion but I had been drinking tons of water all day. I'll have to take care of that later...and EAT!! I forgot to eat more than a few stretches of time...sometimes...12 idea why...
We saw Peakr for a second...he breezed by but that was when we first got there on the rail....Blood came in after that to a hell of a roar from the crowd...then Otis...he was going was cool to see those guys go by.
After this we went back to Aria after going to drink a couple at the Excalibur Sports book...or was it the Monte Carlo Sports book...yeah I think it was the Monte Carlo...I followed a crowd of bloggers led by Pauly and his bro Derek....who has a great
post up at the moment by the way. Following the brothers McGuire through the casinos is like trying to catch up with the fastest of run-walkers in the history of run-walking. I was lagging way behind...hungry...drunk..tired....I was on the way up the stairs and they already realized they were going the wrong way and were passing me on the downstairs..."we're going that way dude"-everybody...."huh" *points the opposite direction* "ok"-Me...dang NY City speed walkers..
8:00...or is it 9:00
By now we are back in Aria Sports book and after walking 1,000 miles through casinos and connectors..I'm hungry. I almost successfully convinced a few people to go to the Hoffbrau house...but we decided on 'Lemongrass' in the Aria instead. Noodles...I can do Noodles...I'm so effin' hungry. We go over and sit down and get some appetizers to start out...
"Jellyfish...why not? I've never tried it...if you're gonna eat Jellyfish why not in Vegas?"-StB
"How can I argue with that...?"-Me
The Jellyfish was pretty good believe it or not...a little like Cucumber-flavored-chewy-jelly-spaghetti and some other pot sticker appetizer as well. Good stuff..but I need some kind of beef seeing as how I haven't eaten anything in 10 hours. I got the 'Pepper beef Udon' dish. It was just what I needed..I couldn't go the 'burn your face off noodle dish' the other guys ordered...I just needed noodles and beef...I will try the Noodles and seafood next time. Grange95 and Metsfan/GeekandProud and StB were all sufficiently stuffed and went to say goodbye to everybody. For some stupid reason I didn't say goodbye to everybody or anybody....I figured...I'll see them again tomorrow morning or something...completely ignoring my inability to get up early and my tendency to oversleep...and the impending Vegas intoxication/gambling/mayhem to come.
I guess I'll just have to see everybody next year.....
10:30 Head back to the I.P. StB had an early flight Monday in the AM so I'm basically left to my own devices again. I'll find the Lightning....I sent a text and he was haunting Harrah's Poker Room. I can stay up all night and just take a nap tomorrow. That was my thinking. I go on my way to Harrah's and find L36 in the Poker Room. I quickly jump on the one of the two 1-2 NLHE tables. By now my left hand a gnarly rawhide cracked skin bloody mess that resembled a velociraptor claw...a bloody one. Besides that I was feeling great...I can stay up all night...get some sleep...wake up for breakfast....take a shower....gamble a bit...then head to McCarren airport and take my plane home at 5:00. Plenty of time to spare....right?
Drinks...drinks...beers....beers....drinks...drinks...Bud Light and screwdrivers....all night long....
Turbo nightly 25 buy-in at Harrah's poker room. These blinds are lightning fast....push or die. Ironically I played only a few hands but I was soon at the final table. I forgot to bet Lightning36 on a last longer...which I would have killed! I had a pretty good stack at the final table but I was concentrating on getting 1,000 bud lights delivered and drunk in orderly fashion. The blinds were up to 2000-4000 and I had 16,000...some dude pushed on my BB...I looked down and had A-6o...I called...he had pocket 10's. He won...had me covered....I couldn't fold that just to limp into the was a 25 dollar turbo.
2:00AM Beer...drinks....beers...drinks...feeling it now....bloody claw is now permanently in curled bloody clutching mode...only a bud light or a screwdriver drink would fit. There is now only one NLHE 1-2 table left. I jump back in and join the Lightbulb.
Me-"Where the fuck did everybody go?!...I need another screwdriver..FUCK!!!"
Dealer-"Sir please refrain from swearing"
Lightning36 comes back from the bathroom.."I think I'm gonna take off"....
Me-"No Fucking way!...get back in here...there is still one seat left:
Dealer-"SIR....Please...I'm going to give you a warning..."
Me-"oh yeah..OK...OK..OK....Jesus man what's the story...nobody else is complaining about this..."
Dealer-"It's my discretion...blah...blah...blah...."
I know it's the dealers discretion...but nobody was a matter of fact..everybody was having fun at this one table...but when he was there....STOP! I was pretty drunk by now...there was music playing on the speaker in the room. It was a great classic rock radio station playing some good stuff...
I started singing....Poker invention....if I can't swear I'll sing to that FUCKFACE...and totally annoy was actually pretty damn fun. I must say that my voice is stellar...ask anyone in that room that night....the man with the bloody hand....and the Golden voice....
'Got me under pressure'
3:00 AM
I got warned one last time...the dealer heard me say 'FUCK'...and he motioned to the poker room manager.
Dealer-"this guy won't stop swearing...I have repeatedly asked him to stop..he is creating an atmosphere or animosity"
Me-"Can I get a waitress...uh...sorry I won't swear again...I swear it!...Ha ha....ooops...."
Poker Room Mgr.-"cut it out...I won't kick you out but it is his.."
Me-"DISCRETION....I know..I know..sorry (bitch)...I won't do it again"
Back to playing cards..and Pokeraoke.....
Lightning raised in early position....I look down at Ad-10d? in the BB I don't know...something to that effect...I know he's either got a high pair or A-K....somebody else called as well....I call in the BB
Flop Ax-Jx-Xx...I bet out....Lightning goes in the tank and raises...prob. 3X my bet...just then the song 'Got me Under Pressure from ZZ-Top is piping over the speakers in the poker room....
At the particular moment they are waiting my move and in unison with the song I look at Lightning and sing...
"You got me under daba daba me under pressure.....bup bah...." I'm singing this out loud in unison to the song and playing guitar and drums all at the same time....
The table erupts in laughter....
"WAITRESS to table in Poker Room please...the only table that is...."
A couple of hands later the song 25 or 6 to 4 by Chicago comes on.....
A guy in late position raises my blind...
Me Singing in unison with the song again...."IF You raise my blind I'll raise you mooooooooore.....I'll pump it up to 25 or Sixty-fourrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.....bada bada bump...bada bada bump...bada bada bump...bada bada buddda budda...."
Guy looks at me and the table erupts in laughter this time I'm sloshed...everybody is having a great time...chips were slinging....I was Elvis....Stu Ungar...and Redd Foxx all rolled up into one...
Lightning disappeared...he snuck out while I was in the bathroom and took off.... problem...I'll just jump into this 25.00 turbo and then take off...
First hand....Ac-10c...I push...get a guy with Ax-Kx....I'm out....
Back to the 1-2 NLHE now I've had approx. 1000 bud lights and 1000 screwdrivers....I played for a while...maybe two hours...then decided to head back...or rather...stagger back to the I.P.
7:00 AM....I see Lightbulb bounding out of the I.P. with this brother who was like Howard Hughes that weekend...never saw him until then...I shook his hand and went to take a quick nap...or so I thought...
Lightning36-"You wanna go to the buffet with us?"
Me-"nah...I'm gonna grab a quick nap...I'll get something later"
2:00 PM
*BANG BANG BANG*...what the fuck? *BANG BANG BANG*
"Room Seviiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiccceee"
Me-"FUCK!!!! OK...I'm going to be out of here soon....FUCK it's 2:00PM!!! FUCK!!"
I grab a quick shower and head downstairs to check out...I was hung over..but not sick hung over...
I negotiated a deal with the I.P. Checkout lady....22.00 bucks for 3 hours and a shower before getting on a plane for the rest of the day...a win for me....I jumped on to the shuttle at 3:00 and was on my way....
The airport had a couple of surprises for luggage broke open...the zipper broke...I had to buy a M&M nylon strap and wrap it around my luggage just to keep it together. Then I went to Wendy's...I forgot to get something to eat again...I had the best burger and fries in 5 minutes flat...It was the best ever.
Oh yeah..I can't stay up until 7:30AM and get up early...not a chance....
See you guys next year!!