They did a 3 way chop at the end. Some lady that AlCantHang brought won the trophy. Some guy that Pauly named Timtern and some other guy that was a friend of Chili had the biggest stack during chop so he got the most money. I got knocked out 18th. Timtern guy hates me because I won 5 of 6 races against him.
omfg....maybe do your report in 2013! wtf! can i please know who won the wpbt? why is no one blogging this?
btw welcome back baby!
They did a 3 way chop at the end. Some lady that AlCantHang brought won the trophy. Some guy that Pauly named Timtern and some other guy that was a friend of Chili had the biggest stack during chop so he got the most money. I got knocked out 18th. Timtern guy hates me because I won 5 of 6 races against him.
friend of Chili was named Dave...
Agreed. Awesome meeting you. My brain is still not quite there...
Don't say the F word again or I'll call over the supervisor!
You may have to help piece that last night together Lightbulb...I remember a lot but not all....
no wonder no one's blogging bout the winner - unknowns. :) can't wait for the trip report!
If Josie didn't delete me from her blogroll, she could start reading mine. :p
Did you have a Josie-free blog for a while too? Lightning was the first.....I think....
Maybe the Josie-free idea is catching on.
looking forward to a recap.
Likewise OhCaptain....nice to meet you...
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