Monday, September 24, 2007

Lighten up people.....lighten up!!!!!

"Mindful of the Virginia Tech massacre that killed 32 people in April, administrators ordered a swift shutdown of the Delaware State campus. They directed students to stay in their dorms, posted notices on buildings and the school Web site, and lowered gates while police searched for the gunman.

Investigators talked Friday with two people they described as persons of interest. Neither was labeled a suspect and they were later released.

Some students have said the shootings stemmed from a rivalry between students from Washington and New Jersey, although university police have said the investigation has not led them to believe there was a "turf battle." Other students have said a dispute arose following a card game.

Classes resumed Monday without incident".
-Associated Press

Over a card game? Jeezuz Balls...what's up with people lately???????

People need to seriously lighten up.....maybe celebrate Oktoberfest or something...................

My late grandfathers favorite holiday!

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