Onward ho! 2008 ! Yay! for three years I've been posting about Poker and Miscellaneous garbage...er Stuff. Wow...it seems like only 2 years! 2007 will go down as a hugely stressful year for me. My old house was supposed to close on the last day of the year....and it's delayed....again....it's killing me but I'll get by. Like I said before......I did not know what stress could do to a body. Real Estate Tilt! We (wife and I) tried to cram too much into too little time. We had to sell our house, NH condo., buy a house from the market, wife got new job, find a new daycare for daughter (harder than it sounds!) and tie up all loose ends after all of that was done. Well, it turns out that we got most of it done but it turned out to be the worst real estate crash in 20 years that coincided with out little cram session. The guy that is going to buy my old house is from that town...a first time home buyer...with a part time real estate agent...and a mortgage broker without a clue. This my friends is a recipe for DISASTER! Even still we may be able to get something done within the next two weeks. If so....the bottle of champagne in the fridge is going down the gullet pronto! Oh...by the way...wife is 4.5 months preggers.
I actually got into an auto accident during the last big snowstorm on the 20Th of Dec. just to add some pain to my already end-of-the-year cram session. I was going to work during the height of the snowstorm when the genius in front of me decided to stop fast and try to make a right turn on a road that wasn't plowed yet. I tapped my breaks and they locked up and I was going sideways at about 20 MPH. that's a great feeling....I almost gunned the gas to at least avoid collision but there was oncoming traffic so I just had to brace myself and hope for the best. The guy got out of his car with a bloody lip...he actually admitted he was partly at fault. I hope my insurance co. doesn't find me more than 50% at fault. I'll have to appeal if it does. The roads were just a mess. We had record snowfall and it wasn't even the first day of winter yet!!!
So as far as 2007 was concerned....it could have been worse. The World Champion RedSox quenched my thirst for another Dynasty to be? The Patriots...well what more can you say....16-0 in this day and age? Suck on that '72-'73 Miami fans...SUCK ON THAT!!!!!! More to come from the soon-to-be-world-champ-Pats in '08. How's that for Boston Douchebaggery!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well for my poker playing it pretty much was subpar. I didn't cash much in the BBTwo. I at least came in ahead in the BBT but this year I'm probably one of the guys that played a lot of tourneys and didn't cash much. I came in fourth in the Riverchasers tourney....I might have even won if it wasn't for button mashing calling stations...LOL. Just kidding....I don't want to start a ghey blogger war...because my record is a paltry pittance of what his and others is. I do enjoy reading the blogger wars though...they are drama....they are comedy....and they are just plain ghey. As for most blogs....I think Chads' is the most interesting in a poker strategy sense. More so for me because MTT's are so tough to conquer. I will be looking forward to the BBThree and it's promise to have more types of tournaments. You may as well call it the combo of the WPBT and the BBT. Al and Chad working together...Cats and Dogs living together....end of the world type stuff. I've been tossing around the idea of cancelling my FullTilt and PokerStars accounts. I'm gonna go through with it because the BBTwo is over and my bankrolls are depleted on both. I'll try to get a new account on both with fuggin' rake back goddammit! If anybody has an easy way to do this I would appreciate some feedback. I'm not sure if I have to wait a certain amount of time or what. Feedback for Rakeback! I thoroughly enjoy the PokerStars and Full Tilt bad beat machines but I want some payback. I may actually think of starting a new bankroll building process on both if I can get this fuggin real estate problem over and done with. I started an account on Absolute poker with rake back but the fuggin mother of all scandals happened and I haven't deposited anything since. Administrator accounts...how fuggin greedy can some people get! Jeezuz chrizmizz....
I did have a lot of fun playing poker in 2007 at foxwoods on Christmas, Las Vegas for the the Winter Classic (no need to link as the recaps are within the last 3 posts!) , and at the NL bar league. I also got to go with Biggestron to the H-town NL tourney. I met the so-called evil Wonka, and also RakeFeeder. All four of us made the final table...not too bad for blogger representation. Both extremely nice people and good players to boot. There were about 25 players at host Mike's H-Town tourney. I came in 5Th and Bigge grabbed the second place booty. I got knocked out with the 'Big-Bitch' as A-Qo was called and being under the gun with short stack. Mike called with J-10o and rivered my sorry-ass with a 7 to complete his flopped open-ended straight. After seeing Bigge play at the Winter Classic and the H-Town tourney I have to say that he is unusually calm under duress at the table. Kudos. I will definitely be back to the online skill tourneys and other blogger tourneys but I'm not sure how long it will be. In the meantime I will be attacking the Bodonkey with abandon! I came in 3rd again last night for a whopping 150.00 bucks! or 109.00 in tourney bucks+48.00. Love_Elf kicked some major ass last night but fell to the evil Goat Rodeo! Good times!
I didn't really accomplish any of the poker goals I set out to accomplish in 2007 :
I didn't cash in a Sunday Major...although I only played two
I didn't win a Blonkament....cashed and placed high a bunch of times though.....
I didn't play a big buy-in live tourney (more than 150.00) at Foxwoods or Vegas....
I'll have to claim life tilt for the majority of goals missed......I mean when I set these goals last January I did not plan on moving or making a bigger family etc.....at least not at the time.
I did meet some of the coolest people on earth via the Internet and blogger events.
I did make a few final tables in low limit tourneys that had decent payouts.
I did attend a WSOP qualifier at Rockingham Park in NH....and got my first ever Royal Flush!
I did accomplish more in my personal life than I thought possible...the future looks goot!
So I leave you with no 2008 goals to list or accomplishments to conquer.....
well maybe I'll leave you with this quoted gem from Poker Peaker in last nights Bodonkey to Me (after I told Buddy Dank to fix his radio broadcast music)
"c'mon Dave....life can't all be Bratwurst"! fuggin huh...no idea PP.....but this is one of the funniest quotes I've ever heard! LOL!
Hurley after berating ref: Show other coaches
2 hours ago
Congrats on the anniversary and I'm glad that we've finally met. I'm looking forward to more poker fun in the future.
I'm looking forward to the next H-town tourney!
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