I don't get it. It was never fully explained to me why the RedSox are not using Bard as their closer. He was the heir apparent after Papelbon left the Sox no? It was either explained and I didn't care because the Bruins were/are in the playoffs......or it left the building with Theo and Tito. Well the Bailey experiment is off to a disastrous start and the Sox are off to a disastrous start. BARD is still penciled in as a starter? Somebody please make sense of this because I cannot....
Who would have thought that at the end of the first big weekend of the season, the Cubs and White Sox combined win total (two) would be bigger than the combined Red Sox/Yankees total (zero).
The Sox will get things straightened out, but it will be interesting to see what happens int he meantime.
They finally won a game...I was dreading a duplicate of last years start....
Don't try to swim around in the mind of Bobby V. Although there's not a deep end, it's still dangerous :)
I'm sure things will be looking up for the Sox soon. Good luck!
Bard wants to be a starter and he has the stuff to do it... So they are giving him the chance.. I think they hope he will be a really good starter... if the moron whatever his name is did not break his hand up then things might have been better..
I am kind of liking how the Sox are fighting back at the ends of games to comeback and try and win... looks promising..
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