Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Pay it forward good blogger!!!

I imported a new list to the blog list. I wanted the feature that shows who updates their blog and when. If your blog is missing then let me know....Yes this means YOU! I also had a nice lady contact me through email and made an offer I couldn't refuse. I told her to make the same offer to everybody on my blog list because I wanted credit for being a nice guy and also giving something back to the blogger community...or what's left of it! DOES PAY to be on my blog list NO? Now check the blog list on the right side and let me know...GO NOW...DO IT....STOP WASTING TIME AND MONEY!!!!

Edit : Speaking of paying it forward. The good people at UpForPoker have decided to get PokerStars to open up the generosity door for THIS. Ummmmmm. I am wanting to be there....I just don't know if I can be there. I'm sure if I will be there it will be a last minute thing.....and I will need a team for the Last Longer Challenge. I suggested team MassHole for people from Massachusetts...but maybe that could be expanded to New England....since everybody hates our sports teams. Last time I was there was '07 and this guy was nice enough to show me around. Just where is BDidde/Biggestron anyway? I'll have to put out an A.P.B. on him.....


Josie said...

This woman who made you an offer you couldn't refuse....she isn't mafia or a hooker, is she?

PokahDave said...

She coulda been both! lol no Rub'n'Tug though!

SirFWALGMan said...

Oooh I have 2 links.. or something.. lol.

PokahDave said...

That is an import one is important enough to have two...
Word verification : scungent LOL