Tuesday, February 05, 2019

If 6 was 9.....

Well there you have it. The 6th Super Bowl Championship in 17 years. NOBODY expected that the Patriots would be able to keep the L.A. Rams to 3 points total. They averaged over 32 pts. per game this year. The Red Sox also beat L.A. with their 9th Championship. 3 months in between championship parades. An embarrassment of riches for sure. I'll tell you what....everybody is talking about the 7th Championship. Like Brady says "My favorite Championship is the next one". 


Memphis MOJO said...


Michelle Park said...

Hope they do it again this year.

Narciso said...

Great pics, are you still interested in poker? If so, good luck for 2020!

Steve said...

Absolutely insane! 6 rings in what 17 years? Unheard of, congrats to the Patriots and here's to 6 more!