Saturday, June 09, 2007

The biggest LITTLE win

LOL...........This win should cement my already huge fan base in European countries such as The Netherlands, Spain, and Bulgaria. I'm huge in other parts of the world as well....take a look!!!!

Well as you can see a whopping 4....that's right 4! players showed up to the sadly dwindling participation of the WPBT. Whilst people are putting in some time at the tables of the WSOP I am busy doing close to nothing. If I can salvage a win then it is better than nothing. The players who showed up were Bdidde AKA Biggestron....AKA B.....AKA Byron, Schaubs AKA...well Schaubs, Kameelah AKA Derek, and myself. I caught some hands at the right time. Including a devastating set of 9's to Bdidde's 10's. The last hand was my pocket 10's holding up against Kameelah's K-Qo(Teh Anna Kournikova).

The Result :

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