Thatwas the starting times.....
9:51....not much happening....Waffles is playing loose....
9:53....He is now gone with Ad-Qd...with a diamond and straight draw...against Julius KK.....
10:00...Julius_Goat has a flopped flush after calling the raise from iam23skidoo...he had J's and flopped a set...the rest is history......
I bought in...because I didn't have the time to play for a token this week...fuck it...
A bunch of good players are gone already.....deep stack tourneys like this are not slowing down anybody...
10:11....Julius_Goat is bullying the table and winning all pots....
10:25....I take a pot from Julius...thought he would call...I had two pair....he's still far and away the chip leader....
10:31....breaktime....32 out of 45 left I am in 24th after losing a pot to Mike_Maloney.....
10:40...break is over and I just got Ac-10c...I'll raise....take the blinds....
30 left....I'm in 24th...I need chips!!!
28 left I'm in 21st.....I need chips......
Nice tunes on Buddy's request page......I requested MegaDeth and Grateful Dead...
10:48....I had Ad-Qd...I raised pot and Julius woke up with a pocket pair...he called and then bet huge on the flop....the flop was Ax-Ax-Xx.....I go all-in he called and I double up....nice....
I went from 21st to 10 on that one...
10:51...I just cracked another Bud of many....
Mike Hargrove resigned as Seattle Mariners manager....that guy was the most annoying hitter in the history of baseball...he makes Nomar Garciaparra look like he is rushing the pitcher.....
10:59...not much happening....Julius_Goat loses a big pot.....
11:04...I just took a big pot with ace on the flop and Julius bet out...I went all in with a A-rag......
11:07.....23 left....I am in 12th.....
11:15...I knocked out Buddy Dank with K's against his Ad-Qd......
20 left....I am in 10th place....
11:19.....just took a huge pot from NewinNov...I had 5s-8s and flopped a flush....he bet out to scare me but I went all-in.....
11:26...Another crazy ass table.....
11:35...Cautious play is dominating the table....
11:36....15 left...I just lost a pot to IslandBum1...... my chips back with 9c-10c...and bet the raggy flop....RecessRampage didn't raise....going on break soon.....
15 left and I am in 9th....I needs me some cash!
11:43...back from break....TripJax has some serious chips after knocking out Julius_Goat....AA vs. JJ....
11:44...DaBag knocks out NewinNov with Kh-Qh...vs...4's....flop has Kx-Kx-Xx.....
11:46 Pick up J's....go all-in vs. the BB and take pot....
11:47....pick up Ax-Jx...go all-in....take the blinds....
11:48....13 left...I am in 9th....
11:49...Hoy takes out DonkeyPuchcher with 10-Ko.....
11:51....Tripjax is running away with it....knocked out IslandBum1...with an ace..
10 left...I'm in table soon? table....I have 8th place and take first pot with 8's..... A's win big against kajagugu's K's....huge hand at the final table....huge!!!!
8 left and I'm in 6th out of 8.....5 people get paid.....big stacks everywhere...
5th of 8 now.....picked up a good flop to bluff on Hoy.....
12:14...mixing up some nice hands and bets....I just raised with callers...
12:17...I go into first place with a flopped straight I had Ax-Kx..againsst Kaja's A-Jo....T26,752
12:21...Kagagugu is knocked out by DaBag when his ace doesn't hit....down to 7....
12:25...back in first...stealing some blinds...
12:27...I think I made a good laydown on an Hoy bet...not too sure....
12:30....Jeciimd...gets taken out by Tripjax...well..Trip J's.....
12:34...I just took a pot from hoy...was hoping for a call to my two no avail...
12:39...Smokkee...goes out on the bubble.....against TripJax the Chip leader....
12:49...I took out DaBag with 5s-3s..and flopped a flush draw....he had Ac-Kc...which is a curse hand from my last Big Game....
12:51....I'm taking some pots now...with 4's....4 left....damn...just lost 8k with A-Jo I'm in last place...still have 20k though....
12:55...Just took a massive pot with A-9o...against Rake Feeder's A-3o.....
12:57....Justlost a couple of pots to Rake Feeder.....pain in the ass....
1:00.....Massive suckout with Kh-Jh...against Rake's A-Jo...I got a straight...
2nd out of 4 now.....
1:03...big all-in by Rake...with Ad-Jd..against Hoy's A-jo....split pot....
1:04...Hoy takes a huge pot from me with 10's and 9's....
1:07....I go all-in with Kx-Xx..of clubs...Hoy called with Ax-Xx...and gets an ace....after I did get a K on the flop.....c'est la vie.....
1:12....Not a bad score for a buy-in.....76.00 and get a 372.00 score...not too bad a way to end the BBT....
1:22....3 left....IGTB now.....lucky fuckers....
well played. you and rake feeder were going at it a while there. goog gamin' sir.
That was quite a battle...I had to lay down a couple of raised pointed out by Smokkee. Rake got some timely flops....good game yourself....
Now trying to figure out what kind of player rating system you have where Waffles, Iggy, 23skiddoo and The goat rate the same color
I haven't narrowed down my color coding just's more of a range that needs to be slightly changed. Now if I could only get the color brown for a few choice opponents i'd be all set!
Hey Dave, I have no problem with you whatsoever (referencing your comment on my blog). I've always enjoyed playing with you and I'm sure that will continue in the future. I just think that calling an allin raise with the JackAce is just about always a bad move. You are either dominated by AK or AQ or AA or KK or QQ or JJ, or you are slightly behind to a medium pocket pair. Unless you think a guy would be allin raising you with a hand like AT or A9 -- which I surely would not in that spot against your utg raise btw -- then I just don't see how you can call in most cases there. If you don't agree with that, that's fine, but that's all I was saying there.
Anyways, very well played in the big game and I look forward to you calling many more raises of mine with AJ.
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